Subject: Hide Menu Bar (C++) Author: Gregory Jorgensen Uploaded By: AFC Radix1 Date: 11/19/1995 File: HideMenuBar.cp (1386 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60658 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 266 Equipment: Any Mac with a menu bar Needs: C++ compiler with Universal Headers Keywords: MENU BAR SHOW HIDE LIBRARY: MDV/Developer Source Code/C++ KEYWORDS: MENU BAR SHOW HIDE Two utility functions for hiding and showing the menu bar using one of the almost-supported techniques. Adapted from the book "Macintosh Programming Secrets, 2nd Edition" by Knaster and Rollin. Especially good for those challenging screensaver projects. Free. ------------------------------------------------------------ Macintosh Developers Forum Libraries Go Keyword: MDV This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.6